Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Saturday - Guitar and all !

Hi all,

Hope you are having a great day! 

A short quick update from detective Bhulchuk Bangadu.

Dad has been clicking a lot of photos of mom these days. Did you guys read any blog of my mom?

Trying to get to the root cause I have been getting up at 6 in the morning most of the days. Then by the time I come back from my summer camp I am tired and sleep whole of the afternoon.

Here are some pics as an update , dad is trying to prove that he is still trying to keep my blog as updated as my mom’s ! Tell me dad where do you write her blog.

Here is the bath process for Saturday ! 

Chap chaap ….. I love getting fresh, but head wash is something I hate.

So the process is

Wash up

Dry up


Get ready for FUN!!

My mama is learning Guitar these days and teaching me as well!!

So what happens when he wants to take the guitar away. I really have to fight hard and complain.

But rest is all too routine in this vacation.
No other updates for now.

So take care and keep kicking this summer.

Love all,
Happy Mimansh