Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rains Rains Sing A Lullaby!

Hey folks,
I am fine. I have changed my sleeping cycle, so typing happens during afternoon for daddy.

Rains are keeping me sleepy all the time, but then I get up late in the night. Cant see rain at that time and am sure rains too might not be able to see me at night. There is one mor benefit in this cycle, I can stay awake with daddy and he can play. How much I care for him and do you know what he does? He makes me drink visyneral. You dont know visyneral, gosh, its that stupid vitamin drink, its so sour! I dont like the smell even, see how my face changes everytime it is forced upon me. (That is why i call him weirdo)
And compare my weirdo with my sweet hairstylist. My mom. Sometimes she is just cool. She gave me a tin tin look last week see :

And then there are days when she wants me to have "The GOOD boy look".

I have grown out of all of my sleeping mats. I am 59 cm now. Sorry dad, yes I will speak the truth -58.5 cm. So the only thing that I fit into is my gym. GYM!!! ye my own personal gym. I like the reds and blues of that.

Dada -dadi keeps calling and I think I still remember them. Nana-Nani are good too. Nana takes me to Delhi everyday ! Mama could not meet me this weekend, viral infection you see!

Mommy has a weird sense of humor I must say. I think that is because she has stayed with weirdo for long. I hope I can save myself.

But the best of the week was Ramanathan uncle. He came to meet me; I slept; He waited; I slept. I love doing this to people. Devilish na?! Mommy says yes I am so especially when I climb her from her lap to her face! yes I do climb!! But I felt bad for Ramanathan uncle after I saw his gift. Its a B E A U T I F U L friend. Thanks uncle.

Ye got a few vaccination this week too. Goethel witch likes giving injections and yuck dawai when I am crying. Cruel, i must say.

But hopefully I am through with my vaccinations. I wish I could have read that in the book. Need to learn reading well. It helps.

Chalo for now,
Take care and sleep well in rains.

Happy Mimansh

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Quick Update on Rains!

Hi Folks,
A quick update over the weekend. It rained last week. My first rains. Someone was shouting in the sky and wanted me to wake up, but I faked sleep :). He can not catch me so easily, I tell Ya. My mom thought I will be afraid of the noise, and she was surprised that I did not even move. I broke all records of sleeping this week, more than 40 straight hours. They thought I was sleeping ;).

But the rains it seems have possessed my systems. I have been raining and too often than my early days. The weather is so cool and the air so fresh, i just cant control. Do you guys also rain often in this weather?

Dad finds the rains romantic, he says its all too poetic.

What do poets do daddy? You say they write poems. hmm. Can I?
Dont worry I will try my best and you can anyways convert whatever I say in your limited language.

Oo ooo aa ee aa aa uhu uhu,
U read this, thank you,
frrr fo fu faa flee klu fleee,
Yucks is taste of dawai,
aa eee o em se feee Ors,
smells nice, as rain pours,
six eight one and ten, (did I actually say this?! )
I love the curtain,
deee tre thu thu ,
I pee out of blue.

Oh! let me go that reminds me of something urgent.
Catch you some time later. Poems nice, aint it?
Love all, (Dad is in a wimbeldon mood)
Happy Mimansh.
Here is one photo update for the week. This was after I slept for 4o continuous hours.